

ONUMA System
This collection of SketchUp components contains the default library in the ONUMA System. When importing BIMs exported from ONUMA into SketchUp, the Onuma-SketchUp plugin automatically gets these objects from the 3D Warehouse through a web service request. ONUMA enables the “i” of BiM. ONUMA is an ecosystem of tools, platforms and services for buildings, cities and more. Built by architects and programmers who have been using BiM for over 20 years. Used from early planning, through design and construction and into operations. Use ONUMA for existing buildings - starting with very little data or connect to detailed construction BIMs Medical Equipment Collections used with ONUMA: <a href="https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search.html?q=1691"><b>https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search.html?q=1691</b></a> #BIM #Equipment #Facility_Management #FM #Furniture_library #objects #Onuma #onuma_library #Planning
Default Title