About Me

Although I change working environments from time to time, I like to model by myself instead of searching the Internet for the model I need. In my spare time I build the model I need, including furniture, sofas, architectural and outdoor accessories. The models inside are all personal and can only be used for collection, if you used commercially, please write to us to inform us that if the relevant brand is sued for commercial practices, the right to use has nothing to do with the author yourself Sketchup model modeler, I currently work as a site supervisor in the construction industry, my hobby is camping related, I often model camping and construction related, please give me a coffee sponsorship and let me know the models I modeled are useful to you help. Give me the motivation to continue providing you with more models! Paypal: https://paypal.me/vuittonwang?country.x=TW&locale.x=zh_TW
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